Tainted Pure
42Friends 27Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
LOVE&RESPECT no matter what fandom you're in.
Add me as your friend if you love Big Bang, 5!DBSK, BEAST, FTisland, Infinite, B.A.P., Block B, etc
Thanks for viewing~!
Tainted Pure
14 years ago
2AM is really daebak :-D pushed CNBlue off the charts with all their songs!!!
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 8
*sigh*...should i take AP US history? or just regular US history?? APUSH or USH? @-@
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 10
asdfjkl; *spam* XD
Tainted Pure
14 years ago
learning about french revolution. lol
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 2
hehe. gonna be awesome experience :-D can't wait~!!!
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 1
whoo! im gonna produce and direct a short film~<3
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 2
karma keeps dropping * n *
Tainted Pure
14 years ago 2
dang. so much bad news again :-(
Tainted Pure
14 years ago
Tainted Pure
14 years ago
i'm so tired of all the lies and deceit...just bring back my baby and it'll all be okay.