49Friends 37Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Middle School English teacher, reading evangelist, lover of good things tech. Gardener with three children. Foodie with skills. Grew up in South Dakota, lived in Boston, settled in Chicago.
tabor330 is
15 years ago 2
planning our family reunion using Google Docs - the best!
tabor330 is
15 years ago
looking for a web designer for a project with an actual budget.
tabor330 is
15 years ago 1
getting organized: going to 5 day family reunion (camping in southern MN) and then right out of Sioux Falls to BLC09. Got house sitter - now
tabor330 is
15 years ago 1
gathering friends together tonight! People who don't know each other, but should -
tabor330 is
15 years ago 2
off to breakfast with the kiddos - then down to school
tabor330 asks
15 years ago
are any of you going to BLC the last week of August? I know that Lee (TeachaKidd) is presenting...
tabor330 is
15 years ago
not feeling so great. Preparing for those "now we are 50" medical tests is a BIG DRAG! (just sayin')
tabor330 is
15 years ago 4
driving to southern Minnesota next weekend - family reunion!
tabor330 has
15 years ago
been out in the garden (aka the great zucchini forest). Pulled up the spent peas, and now must decide if I'm planting more beans.
tabor330 is
15 years ago
getting ready to make breakfast and sack lunches. Only three more days of sack lunches for all three girls for the summer.