49Friends 37Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Middle School English teacher, reading evangelist, lover of good things tech. Gardener with three children. Foodie with skills. Grew up in South Dakota, lived in Boston, settled in Chicago.
tabor330 is
15 years ago
off to read a book!
tabor330 is
15 years ago 4
seriously thinking about submitting a presentation proposal for the ICE conference.
tabor330 says
15 years ago 3
getting ready to construct costumes for circus camp show with my daughter
tabor330 says
15 years ago
good morning! I'm going in to school to finish the spring yearbook supplement and do some other work. Yes, it's summer, I know.
tabor330 says
15 years ago 3
I have a great family - just celebrated my 51st birthday with them!
tabor330 says
15 years ago 2
I must garden, but my book is calling to me. Can you hear it?
tabor330 says
15 years ago 4
I have what my daughter described as a "big a** mosquito bite" on my neck. Itchy
tabor330 says
15 years ago
worst of the noise is over; dogs can finally relax. Fireworks + dogs = not so good
tabor330 says
15 years ago
DH and I went for a long fast walk with our younger dog. Felt great. Now it's raining and we are off to my sister's!
tabor330 shares
15 years ago
New blog post Light in the yoga studio