49Friends 37Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Middle School English teacher, reading evangelist, lover of good things tech. Gardener with three children. Foodie with skills. Grew up in South Dakota, lived in Boston, settled in Chicago.
tabor330 needs
15 years ago
to make one last freshman lunch for my DD - last of the year!
tabor330 says
15 years ago
I'm am going to spend the day writing narrative grades. Goal - all the juniors (only 20) - then Sophs, Frosh, and then Seniors
tabor330 says
15 years ago
DD studying for history, Japanese, and Journalism finals. I am finishing entering grades in the gradebook. Tomorrow I write narratives!
tabor330 asks
15 years ago
Hello! Grades due by noon tomorrow! Got some work ahead of me
tabor330 asks
15 years ago 6
what are your favorite movies/TV series for rainy summer day marathon viewing?
tabor330 likes
15 years ago 2
that I finally have a "smart phone" but fears that it is smarter than I am.
tabor330 asks
15 years ago 2
if you will say Hi! to dcoldiron. He's a colleague of mine looking to connect to tech folks (especially mac) in education and otherwise!
tabor330 has
15 years ago
my club sponsorship stipend! Excellent timing!
tabor330 thinks
15 years ago
I celebrated a bit too much last night. Ouch
tabor330 has
15 years ago 6
school graduation today. How is it we talk for 90 minutes before we graduate a single child??