49Friends 37Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Middle School English teacher, reading evangelist, lover of good things tech. Gardener with three children. Foodie with skills. Grew up in South Dakota, lived in Boston, settled in Chicago.
tabor330 has
15 years ago
closing meetings today. Got to get grades in the grade book! Argh
tabor330 thinks
15 years ago
that I will have a delicious adult beverage. I earned it. Three publications out today - newspaper, lit magazine, yearbook!
tabor330 says
15 years ago 2
Six essays left - and then three rewrites. Will be up late. Drat.
tabor330 shares
15 years ago
Our American Lit final Overheard: "I love commenting!"
tabor330 says
15 years ago
papers to grade!!!!
tabor330 says
15 years ago 1
Good morning! First "final" today at 9:00 - Hope to get the literary magazine printed in some way too
tabor330 says
15 years ago
good night, all. First "exam or culminating experience" tomorrow at 9:00. Journalism.
tabor330 shares
15 years ago 1,,20278661,00.html (Stephen King recommends some books) for summer reading.
tabor330 says
15 years ago 4
DD#1 (freshman) has the flu. Aches, fever, cough, runny nose. Drag
tabor330 says
15 years ago 4
that DH and I are celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary today and 22 years together. :-)