302Friends 27Fans
male Singapore
Enjoys traveling and photography, meeting new people, sharing different perspectives in social media, internet marketing.

Follow me @ twitter: twitter.com/t_winston_t
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14 years ago 1
Get a Quick and Easy Disposable E-Mail Address bit.ly/fBSCb4
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 1
If you refuse to accept failure, you cannot fail. You may fall down a time or two so learn to get up & keep climbing.
t_winston_t shares
14 years ago 2
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams bit.ly/3rvB6V
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 2
The only way to move forward, is not to look back, turn back or even stop. Keep going, do not give up, you will reach your destination.
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 2
Applied knowledge is power. If you don't apply it, you don't know. It is as simple as that.
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 1
In any critical situation, advice is knowledge & knowledge is power. But power is nothing if we don't effectively applied it.
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 8
Get 100% achievement on 10 things than 10% on 100 ones.
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 1
Think like a champion even when there is only one champion.
t_winston_t says
14 years ago 1
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. (Dalai Lama)
t_winston_t shares
14 years ago 2
The Simple Dollar - It’s Harder to Get Started Todaybit.ly/eDweJY