34Friends 25Fans
male Bacolod, Philippines
i am dOing this tO increase my KARMA.. this has nOthing to dO with ME.. hehe

updated prOfile KARMA !

updated prOfile mOre KARMA!

updated prOfile - again..

updated prOfile - and again..

updated prOfile - KARMA up..tentenenen!
tOnski says
15 years ago 3
tOnski says
15 years ago 27
g'mOrning guys.. just heard the news 'bOut dell bacOlOd.. (worship)
tOnski says
15 years ago 13
yOrs dress up cOrpOrate churva tOm?? argh
tOnski says
15 years ago 8
my hOuse has turned intO a DELL pad.. 1st day with DELL buddies.. :-)
15 years ago 1
mingaw na.. puli nkO. bye2! kamatiiiiiiiis!
15 years ago 17
(music) tO meg and dia's 'black wedding' astig
tOnski says
15 years ago 8
kamatis daaaaa..
tOnski says
15 years ago 7
cnu my ari ni: bread tomato basil cheese tomato flour banana strawberry apple
15 years ago 3
g'mOrning plurk! g'mOrning pipz!
15 years ago 4
's restO is back in business! haha