14Friends 1Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
今天還要在 洲美公園聽八卦聊是非 s466.photobucket.com/alb... YA~悠閒
八寶冰冰好好吃 嘻嘻 itsgod.myweb.hinet.net/i...
14 years ago 5
我也想要功夫夢 ㄚ嗚~~~~~
《那年夏天玉米怪》....我今年也遇到玉米怪 s466.photobucket.com/alb... 哈哈哈 大家一起鼻要噗他文 嘻嘻嘻
海旺角 嘻嘻嘻嘻 螃蟹 YAYA
The multi-opportunities are also again unable to change. itsgod.myweb.hinet.net/i... I let you go.
果然~ 還是不在 itsgod.myweb.hinet.net/i... Gets out of bed remembers me, is in each girl heart's anticipation. Do you know? I know you NO.
巴結把拔全面啟動 s466.photobucket.com/alb... 嘻嘻嘻
沒點行動力 itsgod.myweb.hinet.net/i... 唉~哀~哎~ㄞ~找不到4聲