3Friends 17Fans
sunili has
16 years ago 2
a horrible, horrible cold :-&
sunili feels
16 years ago
super-dooper sleepy. Three-thirty-itis might be on daylight savings time, or something :-P
sunili has
16 years ago
over 200 new plurks to read?? Hrm. *Mark all as read* Ah... much better. Hope I didn't miss anything too good ;-)
sunili gives
16 years ago
kudos to Tina Fey for 30 Rock. Just got the DVD and I can't stop giggling :-D
sunili has
16 years ago
a sore throat... the first sign of the flu. shite. :-&
sunili hates
16 years ago 1
that she can't login on X-(
sunili will
16 years ago
be making croissant dough today. But can't eat them 'til tomorrow :-(
sunili wants
16 years ago
to know your opinion on plurk v twitter:
sunili has
16 years ago 2
posted on plurk v twitter - the ultimate social networking deathmatch
sunili loves
16 years ago
having enough karma to change her profile page title (woot)