suechuin c:
71Friends 47Fans
female Georgetown, Malaysia
I'm me, not you. ;D
suechuin c: says
12 years ago 2
oop, it's another one of those days where I feel like breaking down. This can't be healthy. Whatthefuckever.
suechuin c: is
12 years ago
terrified. Because even optimists get consumed with worries once in a while..
suechuin c: says
12 years ago
suechuin c: needs
12 years ago
to get out of this bad spot. :-(
suechuin c: likes
12 years ago
weird things. :-))
suechuin c: says
12 years ago
suechuin c:
12 years ago 5
keeps running into Tle and Tie!
suechuin c: says
12 years ago 5
lol this is SO fucking ironic, I can't even.. -.-
suechuin c: wants
12 years ago
you to stop worrying so much. All of you!
suechuin c: thinks
12 years ago
Jenna Mourey is the most epic person alive.