tea’s gone cold
120Friends 29Fans
female Lytham St Annes, Great Britain (UK)
Female. MGS. FF7. Classic Who. Adorable. Zarbikin.
Favourite Doctor: Tom Baker
I mentioned 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand to moonsilver on the phone today and it reminded me to post this here, a take genuinely from a retrospective review of the game https://images.plurk.com/4NIKrfLpzIvA52WZWviIsN.jpg
one of my friends I got into Eminem with me is making me listen to Kid Rock's Devil Without A Cause and I don't think more of a contrast between Heaven and Hell could exist between two white rappers pretending to be over the top trailer park shitheads
https://images.plurk.com/5YoCCFSZYVLN7eXtXZJgwp.jpg here is Alexander O Smith appreciating my extremely specific "Eminem as the protagonist in The Ring of the Nibelung" joke
https://images.plurk.com/4P3blJr7x8gEfXhoyoI4aY.jpg crying my eyes out
I just read Have you heard the one about empathy being a sin? – ... about a strain of Evangelical thought which finds empathy to be a sin because it makes people tolerant of sinners, and suddenly so much of every dumb moral argument I have seen out of America in the last ten years makes sense
[FFO:SOP] Stranger in Paradise: Final Fantasy trailer features... everything I read about this game makes less and less sense
[Eminem] Rare Eminem Relapse Freestyle On RapCity (2009) seeing him do the fucking accent in closeup is so embarrassing holy shit
[Tumblr] has been forced to do another round of tag-banning and the banned list is hilarious
not looking forward to my booster shot because last time I got a jab it made me go insane for a while