136Friends 58Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
stripe says
14 years ago
Done preaching in d 3pm service. That's it 4 today! Excited to go home, relax, & be with ess & cheska. Thank u Jesus!
stripe says
14 years ago
Grateful to be part of a great team!
stripe says
14 years ago
Enjoyed preaching in d 9 & 11am. Thankful 4 all d input i got from other preachers/friends in d ministry. I can never do ministry alone.
stripe says
14 years ago
how do you relieve stress, pastor? It depends on... www.formspring.me/ptrrya...
stripe says
14 years ago
Pastor, whats keeping you sync with God? More than anything... www.formspring.me/ptrrya...
stripe says
14 years ago
How do you encourage people to look to Jesus when many of them look to your face? My answer: www.formspring.me/ptrrya...
stripe says
14 years ago
Tried looking for something i can use as stress reliever. This might work: www.formspring.me/ptrrya...
stripe says
14 years ago
Bought 2 new books. Heroic leadership and first things first. I want to become a better leader, better husband, better follower of Christ!
stripe says
14 years ago
So encouraged w/ d word of God ds am: Matt 2:5, "do whatever he tells u." That's all I'm going 2 do. Believe & obey. Leave 2 Him d outcome.
stripe says
14 years ago
Excited 2 hear Paul's msg ds friday. We'll b praying 4 all d pips taking d board exam, so invite ur friends/reviewee's. C u dr!