So grateful to God 4 giving me d best mother in d world! D best mother in-law. & of course, d best wife in d entire planet!
Someday we'll thank God not just 4d answered prayers but also 4d prayers He did not answer.
It's our past problems that prepare us for future opportunities.
"The biggest risks were the greatest opportunities."- M. Batterson, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day. I want to be a lion chaser!
"God is in d resume-building business. He is always using past experiences to prepare us for future opportunities."- M. Batterson
"Instead of trying to be interesting, invest more time being interested." -Jim Collins, Good to Great.
Learned a lot from L A today. It's like spending time w/ ptr steve, robert, & paolo all at d same time. Refreshing & very inspiring!
Can't imagine doing life and ministry without friends and mentors.
The ministry of d word & prayer should be top priority. Everything else should adjust, not the other way around.
I should. I must. I will. Time for some major adjustments