19Friends 28Fans
female Merseyside, Great Britain (UK)
Very shy and quiet but quite friendly once you get to know her. A procrastinator, indecisive and dislikes work. Video games and anime distract her very easily but she also loves to play sports.
Strawberry says
16 years ago 11
she finally decided to stop sleeping after she had her second nightmare in a row :'-(
Strawberry says
16 years ago 4
that was depressing....wasting a few hours to watch Federer lose AGAIN to Murray (tears)
Strawberry says
16 years ago 13
phew my internet is working again! Good afternoon everyone (bye)
Strawberry is
16 years ago 15
off to bed now...shin megami tensei MMO is really keeping her up far too late now (doh)
16 years ago 3
now wants a Wii just for that mario kart game. Was playing it at her friends house yesterday and it was soooo fun :-D
Strawberry is
16 years ago 3
off to her martial arts class, it feels like my last one was ages ago!
Strawberry is
16 years ago 6
off to the gym today...not been for quite a while but need to burn off those cookies! (annoyed)
Strawberry was
16 years ago 8
in a super bad mood after being woken up hours earlier than she would have liked...but has since, calmed down now... (annoyed)
Strawberry says
16 years ago 10
ahhhh that was a good lie in :-D Good afternoon everyone (bye)
Strawberry says
16 years ago 4
ouch its late...oh well at least I can go for a super long lie in bed tomorrow ^__^