Day two of business planning and my brain is just done.
When you pull a Canadianism while RPing and don't even realize it. I swear to god I need to google half the things I post first
It's been a solid week of people being at my place every day. I was going to go to boxing tonight, but once I got home and sat in silence for five minutes, there was no way I was giving up a few hours of it. OH WELL
Am I being super bitter? I was invited to a grad party at 10 with another girl who’s graduating. Got all dolled up and ready to go. It’s 10:35 and she’s still elsewhere eating dinner. Contemplating going to bed instead. God damn I’m old.
Headed to see the new Solo movie this afternoon. FINALLY.
I graduate from my Masters tomorrow, I FINALLY start my new job on the 13th AND there's a full on feed of lobster waiting for me at home. Damn good day. Is this how you plurk??
I need to stop following people to social media sites. wtf is this