6Friends 1Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
So Deep...

stevansterk is
15 years ago
momen-momen menegangkan sebelum pinalti dilaksanakan...
stevansterk is
15 years ago
menyaksikan adu pinalti...Hidup Persib hehehe
stevansterk is
15 years ago
skor sementara 1-1
stevansterk is
15 years ago
lagi buka2 website sambil nonton Persib vs Persija di Ngopdul Teuku Umar
stevansterk wants
15 years ago
to have a synergy in his relationship
stevansterk wonders
15 years ago
if he can form his excellent band this month
stevansterk is
15 years ago
singing viva la vida
stevansterk loves
15 years ago
to express his minds,feelings and emotions...
stevansterk hates
15 years ago
people who cannot be trusted...
stevansterk says
15 years ago
that he will succeed in everything he do...