7Friends 10Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
What you see is basically what I am. Some may not trust anyone completely but I do have room in my life for love. I also believe in doing something you may not like that can make you happy somehow. Being optimistic most of the times and loving it.
stephielin says
15 years ago
臭大樓遮住煙火.. 現在只能看的到一排了
stephielin says
15 years ago
If everything goes as planned...
stephielin is
15 years ago 3
planning the kenting trip now! hehe
stephielin has
15 years ago
to work early today! sigh "人生"
stephielin loves
15 years ago 9
people who love giving love and being loved :-)
stephielin says
15 years ago 3
還說分擔工作..分去哪兒了!說話都不算話.. (angry)
stephielin says
15 years ago
我的pet賣光家產了.. 可惡
stephielin says
15 years ago 3
stephielin wants
15 years ago
to hv a new haircut like bi, "shaved sides wiz a ponytail on top" (LOL)
stephielin says
15 years ago 4
yes or no? 8-)