98Friends 42Fans
female Australia
complication; a good one
stefihardjo says
15 years ago 9
yaoloh tante farah quinn tukeran badan yuk sm saya. tp otak jangan yah hahaha
stefihardjo says
15 years ago 4
beliin tiket KoC dooongs! Subsidi juga gapapa deh hehehe
stefihardjo says
15 years ago
dan US pun mulai mengadaptasi high-speed railway system jg sprt jepang, china, europeans; Indonesia, kapan?
stefihardjo says
15 years ago
exhausted for such a all-goes-wrong day :'-(
stefihardjo says
15 years ago
kehilangan peluang mendapatkan 100K krn disuruh menjemput adik2 dgn budget yg jg terbatas :-(
stefihardjo says
15 years ago 5
dan gue pun menyampah (lagi) di dunkin tebet. Ada yang butuh bantuan bagi kalian yg berdomisili di sktr tebet?
stefihardjo says
15 years ago
hihihi, thank you for always enlightening my day, even in my darkest hours :-))
stefihardjo is
15 years ago
hollow. I swear to myself I wont ever ever again.
stefihardjo is
15 years ago
really in a such jazzy mood. Many thanks to pretaporter, I love your songs so muccchooo :-))
stefihardjo says
15 years ago
"I beg of you, dont say goodbye, why dont we give love just another try" -Renee Olstead (so in love w/ jazz rite now; javajazz here i come!)