9Friends 11Fans
female Piscataway, NJ, United States
I'm Korean.
I'm sarcastic.
I get bored easily.
staysinners shares
16 years ago 5
staysinners says
16 years ago 9
according to the vet, my cat has an ear infection. she's on antibiotics now.
staysinners is
16 years ago 4
worried about her sick cat. Liz says it may have been a stroke...
staysinners is
16 years ago 4
at becky's. hence she sorta has use of a computer
staysinners is
16 years ago 6
pissed off that both her laptop and mom's computer are basically dead or in a coma.
staysinners is
16 years ago
taking and shower and then going to see Kung Fu Panda with Mommy!
staysinners is
16 years ago 1
going out to buy a Father's day card.
staysinners is
16 years ago 10
asking... would you say that that $60 is a reasonable price for a fathers day item or is $120 better?
staysinners is
16 years ago 11
awake, looking for things to get for fathers day. this shit is hard...
staysinners is
16 years ago 2
gonna go to bed. its 6:30 AM. geez