16Friends 7Fans
female Kawasaki, Japan
Life's centered around music. I play for a soul, funk band that's eating my time up. I session for artists/bands and I get passed around on a good season and, I can't thank them enough. OXFORD COMMA! One love guys
stayinbed says
14 years ago
Japan has high ass taxes on liquor so it's damn expensive right, but why not freak out at the 4liters of WHISKEY IN THE CONBINI
stayinbed is
14 years ago
We're waiting for FFXIII to visit the xbox. : / Or we can just get a ps3 already jeez.
stayinbed is
14 years ago
Okay look, I was on here before and I wanted to come back because I err... Well anyway we finished Heavy Rain and Fahrenheit. GAMESSSS