158Friends 78Fans
male Birmingham, AL, United States
Web Strategist & Social Media Evangelist
sschablow says
16 years ago 6
Palin's name is growing fast on Twitscoop. Funny how she just knocked Obama out of front page tag cloud. Foreshadowing? What do you think?
sschablow says
16 years ago 1
must go find flashlights. I know power will go out again. I hear the wind ripping through the trees.
sschablow says
16 years ago 2
oh GREAT. Power just shut down. We are doomed. Good thing I have Mac and router on battery backup.
sschablow says
16 years ago
Torrential rains fr Fay continue. going to snuggle w/ my honey & listen to pitter patter of little drops B4 we drown. cue Titanic music.
sschablow says
16 years ago
TS Fay downgraded to tropical depression. I know why. It's going to rain here until Thursday. What's more depressing than that?
sschablow says
16 years ago 9
I moved to new house this week & lost 10 karma points for being to busy to plurk. I gained a million karma points with my family. (s_dance)
sschablow says
16 years ago 1
w00t. Yippee. Gas man is here. Now we'll have hot water & stove in our new house. Moving makes you appreciate things you take for granted.
sschablow says
16 years ago 6
Plurk SHOULD give you an option to turn the stupid karma thing off and just participate as you can. I may boycott the service until I hit 0!
sschablow says
16 years ago 3
I've been offline for 2 days and lost 3 karma points. For that I will deduct 60 karma points from Plurk. "That just ain't right."
sschablow says
16 years ago 4
I haven't had time to Plurk all day. :-( What have I missed?