108Friends 27Fans
female Iriga City, Philippines
happy happy happy person.
s.tagum says
15 years ago
good afternoon! back from errands and feeling a teensy bit better. :-)
s.tagum says
15 years ago
he's talking to me! but he's still cold.
s.tagum is
15 years ago
just going to wait for things to be okay again.
s.tagum says
15 years ago
grey's anatomy na lang to distract me. hai..
s.tagum says
15 years ago 2
sad morning for me. :-(
s.tagum asks
15 years ago
why are there a lot of people who added me that i don't even know?
s.tagum says
15 years ago 1
ang tagal tumaas ng karma. me want karma now!
s.tagum says
15 years ago
bye muna plurkers! ttyl!
s.tagum says
15 years ago
yey to her steadily increasing karma! it's at 13.20 now! woot woot!
s.tagum says
15 years ago
ang tagal magload ng grey's anatomy.