145Friends 98Fans
female Hobart, Australia
Editor. Journo. SL-er. Also, time waster.
spiderkitten is
13 years ago 2
in the big smoke (aka Sydney) for the weekend :-))
spiderkitten is
13 years ago
just not feeling it today...usually I can ride the stress and just buzz off it. But...sigh. Over it.
spiderkitten says
13 years ago 4
dooby dooby doooo...I love 7am calls from my boss, I do!
13 years ago 7
gets home and kicks off her boots.
13 years ago 4
what this guy can do with his mouth is epic!! Mario Bros Beatbox: Super Mario Beatbox
spiderkitten says
13 years ago 6
people keep telling me to see Tangled (Disney). But when I look at the clip I think ew, really? Disney Tangled Trailer Official (unsure)
13 years ago
got home all ready to flop and no internets (annoyed)
spiderkitten says
13 years ago 4
what a long - but in the end, great - day :-))
spiderkitten has
13 years ago 5
to head up the east coast of Tassie today....kinda boring work stuff, but beautiful country :-)) photos.travelblog.org/Ph...