거미 Spider
23Friends 6Fans
male Hsinchu, Taiwan
거미 Spider says
12 years ago 1
認識許多不同國家的人真好玩咧... :-D
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
HTC履歷難產中...明天一定要送出的呀!! 還有姊的結婚短片~~也要趕快生出來了!! :-/
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
Should go to bed now.. :-P
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
Should go to sleep now… Otherwise severe headache will haunt me all day long…. > <"
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
今天整天怎麼一直覺得腰酸背痛的…. 怪怪… :-(
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
中秋連續假期Over… 繼續努力吧… 囧mmm…
거미 Spider says
12 years ago 6
3天的中秋假期… 由於爺爺車禍住院加上姊姊要準備一堆訂婚結婚的東西~~ 哪都沒辦法去… = ="
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
Sleepy...= =
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
Going to sleep...
거미 Spider says
12 years ago
Grandpa had car accident this morning... ㅠㅠ Wish he can recover soon~~