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female Ahmadabad, India
SPEC INDIA is a software development outsourcing company : www.spec-india.com/ with project management in . NET, Java, mobile applications for all kinds of android, iOS, windows and blackberry apps, application development for iPhone/iPad and
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10 years ago
Android Wear And The Magic Of Lollipop: Android Wear And The Magic Of Lollipop | SPEC INDIA
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10 years ago
Is Apache Spark Gaining Popularity Over Apache Hadoop?: Is Apache Spark Gaining Popularity Over Apache Hadoop? | SPEC IND...
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10 years ago
Fasten Big Data Computing With Apache Spark : Fasten Big Data Computing With Apache Spark | SPEC INDIA
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10 years ago
A Glimpse At What Java 9 Proposes - A Glimpse At What Java 9 Proposes | SPEC INDIA
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10 years ago
Cognitive Computing - A Step Ahead : Cognitive Computing - A Step Ahead | SPEC INDIA
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10 years ago
SPEC INDIA - A Valuable Participation at the Pentaho World 2014 - Sitemap of spec-india - Offshore Software Development Company, Le...
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10 years ago
Internet of Things Boosts Up Marketing - Internet of Things Boosts Up Marketing | SPEC INDIA
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10 years ago
Jenkins - A leading platform for Continuous Integration: Custom Software Development Company - Jenkins - A leading platfor...
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10 years ago
Google Enriches Its Cloud Platform With Container Engine - Google Enriches Its Cloud Platform With Container Engine | SPEC I...
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10 years ago
A Dependable Programmer - A Dependable Programmer | SPEC INDIA