cait sidhe
26Friends 14Fans
Brandon, FL, United States
Asgard Eventide
- May Daye
- River Tam

cait sidhe
11 years ago 1
Nrrrg, not braining well. Think i am getting caffeine and trying to do things, even if it's just going through plots and subplots to work on.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 1
[Night Vale] Something about the weather in Cassettes is going to make me cry and I have no clue why. It might just be that kijnd of a night though.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 12
[voice meme] Ask me to record things. I am in the right state to do things and I figure after I do LFS, I can do other things.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
>Reply to comments
>Planning for NaNo
>Gathering up list of stories to try and work on for NaNo
cait sidhe
11 years ago 3
Welp, I am alone again. I get Chinese food though, so that is exciting.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 5
I am going to do the CR meme even though I am in hiatus and stuff. I just do not have the brain for it tonight. I will hit it up tomorrow.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 4
[Night Vale] And then we decided that I should be writing Night Vale does NaNoWriMo fic next month. I might have to do this.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 14
I have survived another year. Gotta say, I wasn't entirely sure that was going to happen.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
[Coming out day] Genderqueer, kinky, demi-sexual, pan-romantic, polyamorous, otherkin. I'm pretty open about all this but if you didn't know, you do now. So, any questions?