cait sidhe
26Friends 14Fans
Brandon, FL, United States
Asgard Eventide
- May Daye
- River Tam

cait sidhe
11 years ago
[OOCT] "Will you pour Cthulhu a Red Bull?"
cait sidhe
11 years ago 3
Morning all
cait sidhe
11 years ago 10
Question: What do you guys have on your To-Do lists/Good Habits lists/Things you feel like you need to do at least every other day to feel like a sane person?
cait sidhe
11 years ago
That moment hwen you realize you ahve excuse to be unorganized anyore
cait sidhe
11 years ago 2
letmebeasong Tell me naming the phone Kevin is a bad idea.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
Doing word sprints to try ad get the bare bones of a short story down. Anyone wanna join me?
cait sidhe
11 years ago 1
I should stop playing with post-its and sleep. I definitely reached for my pen to write on my laptop screen.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 3
[Writing] And now I want to write post-apocalyptic, lesbian, steampunk with magical tattoos and shadow roads.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 10
<--- Me right now because of Tsukeru and our new shiny OCs.
cait sidhe
11 years ago 3
[Writing] Sososo, I am doing AIM and Skype writingchats again. I'll advertize this at normal hours again but I thought I would get it out there.