2Friends 1Fans
male Alajuela, Costa Rica
sowrey says
14 years ago
That's checking in, I should add. Now up to the last eight.
sowrey says
14 years ago
Apparently, the Lodge does not understand the concept of "speed". I've spent less time at the last five hotels ... combined.
sowrey says
14 years ago
Medicine Hat. Time for dinner. Then bed. Not a long day, but I am bagged.
sowrey says
14 years ago
GPS says to turn in 154 km. You know you're driving across the prairies when...
sowrey says
14 years ago
sowrey says
14 years ago
Just had to explain to my kid that TV isn't an on-demand service. firstworldproblem
sowrey says
14 years ago
If you're doing SQL Server db replication, you need to have full SQL Server access at the destination. Virtual servs lack support.
sowrey says
14 years ago
sowrey asks
16 years ago
are there any Plurk clients? Like Twhirl, or Twitterific for Twitter?
sowrey is
16 years ago
wondering how he can use Plurk effectively...