25Friends 4Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
I'm a mom of two teenagers, happily married, librarian. I love to knit and crochet, read, and bake. You can read more from me at or follow me on twitter somernewland.
someryarns says
12 years ago
good (late) morning! I love work-at-home days, because I can run podcasts in the background!
someryarns says
12 years ago
Good morning from Austin, TX! I love this city so much and will move back someday!
someryarns says
12 years ago
Nothing like construction & fire alarms during interviews!
someryarns says
12 years ago
Good morning! Exciting day at the library today where we're interviewing people to fill 109 new positions!
someryarns says
12 years ago
I don't think I said good morning, so good afternoon! Having such a boring day...
someryarns says
12 years ago 2
Good morning! Finally dragged myself out of bed for a run this morning. So hard, but it feels so good to have done it!
someryarns says
12 years ago
I love it when work meetings go well. Puts a spring in my step!
someryarns says
12 years ago 3
Good morning! (wave)
someryarns says
12 years ago
Good morning!
someryarns says
12 years ago
Good morning! Crazy traffic this morning due to an overturned cement mixer on the freeway!