Shirt Strippeur
66Friends 3Fans
female Reno, NV, United States
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 73
Harley is such a compassionate older brother, like. Conan is so lucky!
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 3

Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 11
So beautiful
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 19
Do I attempt to nap before my 10 hour?
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 19
(unsure) Why am I being dealt with a difficult decision with one of my most reckless muses.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 12
Ew. Triple digits.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 2

Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 11
Reasons to not live in Phoenix
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 56
In need of caffeine.
Shirt Strippeur
7 years ago 14
[Ukimiya] This is it! This is Toyohisa's new home! xD