105Friends 74Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
a dreamer,,
who's trying to make his dreams come true!
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago
breakfast time :-)
sofwanhakim shares
12 years ago 2
Today's breakfast! Need more energy than ever! Bon Appétit! :-)
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago
The first day of orientation, but not like an indonesian type of orientation, just so called calculus refresher ngeekk Bon courage! :-)
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 6
my first plurk from paris :-D hello plurkers!
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 4
packing udah 90% tinggal gw timbang aja nih koper, takut overbagages..
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 2
Erudition is the attraction. Communication is extraordinary. Each gives the other endless attention,without resentment. Love this astronews!
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago
weekend ini kok nggak berasa weekend ya? udah kebanyakan libur hehehe
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 8
Today's agenda: ambil kacamata, potong rambut, ke cemara deh.. farewell parteh kantor.. ada yg mau nemenin akuh haircut nggak :-D
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 5
Somebody's still asking about work stuff in gtalk, don't you see my notification email as i'm leaving the office, better to appear invisible
sofwanhakim says
12 years ago 12
My first day of becoming unemployment :-D Enjoy your monday guys!