44Friends 17Fans
female Bahamas
Life's a bitch, but so am I.
Sophie says
15 years ago
mom gave me her o2 phone cause she has a new one. i feel so bad ass (rock) HAHAHAHA
Sophie is
15 years ago
in the lib and waiting for lorenze. got nothing to do!
Sophie is
15 years ago
eating spicy Korean noodles! (mmm)
15 years ago
missed Silverstein's My Heroine (music)
Sophie is
15 years ago 2
now home and pissed off AND tired from school (gym)
Sophie needs
15 years ago
to study for organic chem but doesn't want to
Sophie will
15 years ago
try to finish my greatwk paper today
Sophie is
15 years ago 4
watching Angels and Demons with the family
Sophie is
15 years ago 2
eating pizza hut for breakfast (mmm)
Sophie says
15 years ago 3
good morning everyone! it's study day today.. PSH