88Friends 257Fans
female Virginia Beach, VA, United States
snbeach says
16 years ago 16
Say hello to Maine educators and let them know why you like plurk.
snbeach says
16 years ago 16
Please say hi to WNY educators who can follow you in here
snbeach says
16 years ago 6
K12Online PR committee today. Need to finish 2 major projects. Prep for Independent PLP kickoff and maybe- a boat ride! woo hoo. Wanna come?
snbeach says
16 years ago 18
Got sick and lost major Karma! Glad to be plugged back in. So much to do. Here are my Learning2.008 presos 21stcenturylearning.type...
snbeach says
16 years ago 11
It will cost me $6000 to upgrade to business class for China trip. Looks like suffer in economy
snbeach says
16 years ago 12
back home- having a tough time adjusting to time changes.
snbeach says
16 years ago 5
You would not believe the birds here in Australia. Amazing.
snbeach asks
16 years ago 13
How about saying hello to ELH participants and sharing evidence you have for why web2.0 in the classroom works. I'll share during my keynote
snbeach is
16 years ago 10
sitting at the table in Lorne, Australia with bookjewel and Adrian Bruce.
snbeach is
16 years ago 4
trying to finish up regularly schedule work so she can pack and leave for Australia.