2Friends 8Fans
female Charlottesville, VA, United States
LearningWithComputers, TESOL, VAACE, NSN member/ volunteer, Moodler, blogger, storyteller, twitterer, poet, adult ESOL educator/ love learning about other cultures, languages, haiku, poetry, flowers, walking, ESOL, reading, ping-pong, more!
smilin7 shares
16 years ago
Spent a wonderful day at the Virginia Institute for Lifelong Learning Conference at Radford Univ today; new citizenship has positive changes
smilin7 asks
16 years ago 1
Is there a way to list URLs on one's plurk profile?? blogblossoms.edublogs.or... is my 'almost daily' blog; please visit...
smilin7 asks
16 years ago
Would anyone like to help me write a plurk tale? I'll start: One summer morning an eccentric adult ESOL instructor provoked pandemonium by