No one wants to humiliate others unless they feel humiliated. The will to power is exaggerated in proportion to how impotent the person feels.
—— Newsweek
Social media has created this lifelong adolescence.
—— Psychology Today
If Macron is proved right, France could emerge as a far more important global power that it has been in decades.
—— Time
You diagnose a problem, deliver a quick-and-dirty solution, get feedback, course-correct, and repeat, always with an eye on the changing weather outside.
—— The Atlantic
Budgeting doesn't always mean spending less, just spending smarter.
——Psychology Today
Life is a series of battles ending in victory or defeat.
——Donald Trump
The Chinese will be happy to buy a lot of American goods.That's what they know Trump wants.
—— Business Insider
By design, daydreaming is helpful to us when we're stuck on a problem, personal, professional, or otherwise. And boredom is one of the best catalysts to kick-start the process.
—— Nautilus
Listen to your inner voice, because your inner voice might be your nose telling you what to do.
—— Discover
We could all have to learn to live in a world in which abrupt, unannounced eruptions of deadly violence punctually rupture our quotidian existences.
—— Aeon