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female Mondrago, Second life
ex-Magistrate, Steampunk, Scripter, and DJ

Femme, Feminist, Not Sorry
Ereh says
9 years ago 1
I could explain why I feel like so many things are hopeless, but then James Mickens is so much better at it. And he's funny. Not Even Close: The State of Computer Security (with...
Ereh says
9 years ago
elites in Europe made their diets boring and bland in response to inexpensive spices imported from the rest of the world How Snobbery Helped Take The Spice Out Of European Cooking
Ereh says
9 years ago 16
oh, I made ginger ale using one of the recipes StereoNacht told me about. It was wonderful, and now have a second batch brewing.
Ereh says
9 years ago 6
I tried some home made ginger ale that a friend brought to a party last night, it was made using the recipe StereoNacht told us about. It was delicious.
Ereh says
9 years ago 7
fuck, has anyone heard from Beryl, Hono, or Maddie?
Ereh says
9 years ago
Super Epic Cats this channel.
Ereh says
9 years ago 2
if you give a Jedi a GoPro Jedi With a GoPro
9 years ago
status: singing Tom Petty to the cat who is circling and chirping in front of the automated feeder that will deliver a meal in ten minutes.