58Friends 3Fans
Boston, MA, United States
my underwater research facility. my rules. my coffee.

gira (they/them)
jouichi kagami (faerie) @ ff14;
these shitheads @ memes.

layout by vigils @ dw.
4 years ago 18
hi everyone how are u... local gamestop hasnt gotten strikers in yet, but the guy literally gave me a free hdmi cable when i went
4 years ago 12
the current mods are stepping down it seems, and I want to take this time to thank everyone who I am playing with or have played with there.
4 years ago 1
TL;CR - akira and nozomi
4 years ago 9
FUN FACT: as of today, neopets dot com is old enough to drink in the United States.
4 years ago 19
lies down in a puddle and that puddle is the dark knight job quests. also apparently i've had this acct for six years so yay
4 years ago 9
probably going to be dropping some of akira's older threads so i can focus better on the new stuff that's happening, if that's ok with everyone! namely nozomi and the event stuff
4 years ago 10
it's been one week since halloween
4 years ago
closing my inbox for the rest of the night! I got Nozomis toplevel and caught-up-ish on Akira's tags. Tonight: Cats drunkwatch.
4 years ago
Nozomi toplevel at the new log! Not sure if I'm gonna toplevel for Akira yet, we shall see.