4Friends 0Fans
female Bethlehem, PA, United States
skyppe says
14 years ago
I think! I will keep my "job" longer as a taxi driver!!! Tomorrow, need to wake 7:00 get on the road by 8:00 max. to get to pitching camp,
skyppe says
14 years ago
Thunder had two playoff games yesterday. We lost by one point. it was so so disappointed, but they had a good season this year! (applause)
skyppe says
14 years ago
going for softball practice and prepare for tomorrow (goodluck)
skyppe says
14 years ago
Tired and washing Swim suits. Big game on Saturday-go go Thunder, play off here we come. We will miss two strong players---gee (goodluck)
skyppe says
14 years ago
What a great team"thunder" a bunch great girl. Came home from team party, a lovely and a cold night but kids were swimming for 3 hours.
skyppe says
14 years ago 2
All body alarm and emotional attack, "people" keep bugs me-calling and calling--hated. That is only one kind of person, guess who? (angry)
skyppe says
14 years ago
Sonya done a fantastic job on her first pitching game in the whole season 2-1/2 inning, strike out most of player &only 2 on base. (heart)
skyppe says
14 years ago
I missed Sonya first pitching on Saturday. While i took little one to ice skate lesson then drove 45 minutes to see the last inning.
skyppe says
14 years ago
my gosh, tooth forgot to put money again----- :-o& little one said: I don't mind but I want my money.
skyppe says
14 years ago
Today is solar panel on the roof, another expenses on the roof top. :-o