齊天大Shen 
64Friends 36Fans
male Batu Pahat, Malaysia
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
五月天的歌。。让我想念好多不见的朋友。。北京的生活。。 刘董可爱的照片让我更加的想念他。。是时候安排去北京lepak lepak了。。
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
new songs new songs~~~ OAOAOA~~ + concert.. lolx.. <3 mayday~
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
好个一度赞。。 让我好想念满汉大餐。。。
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
tmd... fuking feed up with the system.. zzz..
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
crazy weather.. i m sweating in the office...
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
dear housimate.. sept rental is published.. pls check n transfer to me.. thx..
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
back to office after lunch... only realised... HR declare today is half day for everyone... zzz
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
after squash and great lunch... now is time to sleep.. so so sleepy..
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
@!#%^&*( 现在到底是谁出车咧。。 车牌号码用什么都要管。。 tmd是你付钱的吗? 火大。。!!
齊天大Shen  says
12 years ago
hmm.. again.. i miss nz.. zzz