Miss Cella
138Friends 101Fans
female Karet Kuningan, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Miss Cella
15 years ago 1
DVD marathon THE PROPOSAL > THE UGLY TRUTH > GI JOE > and mony mores (LOL)
Miss Cella
15 years ago
watching dvd "The Proposal" *again* (LOL)
Miss Cella
15 years ago
(LOL) kinda funny
Miss Cella
15 years ago 2
mo ke Ambasador aah...
Miss Cella
15 years ago 17
cap tikus joooooooooooh (lmao) (rofl)
Miss Cella
15 years ago
iih tolong deeeeh.. (annoyed)
Miss Cella
15 years ago 12
hmm.. walaupun warga keturunan.. But I am absolutely proud to be Indonesian...
Miss Cella
15 years ago
Lapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer (hungry)
Miss Cella
15 years ago
aah.. please.. come on.... (annoyed)