24Friends 57Fans
male Ramat Aviv, Israel
An Israeli software developer, essayist and writer. See my homepage at for more information and links.
shlomif is
15 years ago
shlomif is
15 years ago
wondering which well-formed text format to use for the unified documentation of .
15 years ago
drank Blood Orange and Mandarine tea and refactored the code of his fortune cookies collection. The simple joys of life.
shlomif is
15 years ago
procrastinating by chatting on the IRC. Maybe I should close X-Chat.
shlomif shares
15 years ago
shlomif says
15 years ago 1
I went on a walk today and carried half-a-watermelon for an old gentleman.
15 years ago
returned from the Doctor's appointment.
shlomif says
15 years ago
OK, rebooted and am running vanilla now, and my external hard-disk now mounts fine. I guess it's a bug in the Mandriva kernel.