15Friends 15Fans
female Pulau Tikus, Malaysia
About me huh?!!lols
To keep thing simple of how i think of myself are cute,innocent,honest,loyal and quiet.Out of this,i also always passionate about the things that interest me.
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago
almost forgoten my life quotes...luckily i refresh back d..*hope is not too late*
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 8
why does this lady irritate me so much?!! (angry)
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 2
:'-(stomach cramps
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 8
tmr got Electric Technology & circuit test and somemore got english assign to passup...*pening pening* :'-(
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 2
grrrr...ds sem english is soo troublesome ya... :'-(
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 1
woohoooo......i have soo much fun today at the celebration of Richard n vincent bday (LOL)
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 7
by d way,what is plurk for ya?
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago 6
awwww...tmr tmr~tmr is mine embarasing moment =(
shirlyn1910 says
15 years ago
she's going to have her most embarrasing moment this coming monday..sign>.<