圣亮 sheng liang
11Friends 3Fans
female Tanjong Tokong, Malaysia

Sheng Liang is leaving Plurk. Wish everyone at Plurk lots of love, happiness, peace, joy, and hope!

Good night, Posterous
圣亮 sheng liang 需要
13 years ago
圣亮 sheng liang feels
13 years ago
happy for my dear friend who finally ties the knot! Really wish her happily ever after. :-)
圣亮 sheng liang wishes
13 years ago
myself all the best! I really must do well to secure this chance! (goodluck)
圣亮 sheng liang has
13 years ago
another experience: "**Great minds** discuss ideas. **Average minds** discuss events. **Small minds** discuss people." - *Eleanor Roosevelt*
圣亮 sheng liang likes
13 years ago
What Your Teeth Say About Your Health --- this is really great knowledge! (woot)
圣亮 sheng liang needs
13 years ago
lots of cooling and cleaning up inside and out, to live through the super warm and humid summer... (doh)
圣亮 sheng liang thinks
13 years ago 1
the tigers in protected parks shouldn't be fed live animals, they should be fed cooked meat, like those taken cared of by the Thai monks.
圣亮 sheng liang shares
13 years ago
on the new family crime called: **Domestic Economic Abuse** --- women especially must read up more about this. They tend to be victims.
圣亮 sheng liang gives
13 years ago
True Spirit of Martial Arts - physical fights / violence is not the best solution sometimes.
圣亮 sheng liang likes
13 years ago
the new advancement of the political scene. :-))