124Friends 11Fans
female Hong Kong
Si quelqu'un veut un mouton, c'est la preuve qu'il en existe un.
Shelly魚乾 says
12 years ago
經過學長的"指導"後, 我要重新審視自己讀書的態度了......最終目標: 要跟學長大人一樣強大!!!!!!! (好啦好啦!!! 學長你還是非常非常非常年輕XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Shelly魚乾 is
12 years ago
really screwed up by her clock!!!!!! i just want a smooth sleep w/out adrenaline distrubed...
Shelly魚乾 loves
12 years ago 2
今天買褲子的感想是: 我好像真的有變瘦XDDDDDDDD (P.S. 去COSTCO看到久違的MOOGO老闆娘!!!!!!! 他還主動找我打招呼,希望你能順利生下健康可愛的小寶寶)
Shelly魚乾 hates
12 years ago
how come ppl can work inefficiently and even emotionally like primary school students= =? in a certain extent, low b!
Shelly魚乾 says
12 years ago
今天跟三姨說回家的事,我竟然很輕易地說出: 因為太累了所以就不想留了。
面對考試當然很累, 可是真正讓我身心俱疲的,是面對人心。
I just feel like such an insomniac when i'm far to tired to fall asleep.
Shelly魚乾 says
12 years ago
Non sum qualis eram.
Shelly魚乾 asks
12 years ago
Shelly魚乾 says
12 years ago
Shelly魚乾 asks
12 years ago
Shelly魚乾 asks
12 years ago