95Friends 35Fans
female El Dorado, KS, United States
Elementary educator. Love life, nature, animals, movies, fitness and research. Need God, family and friends! :0)
shellyhill says
15 years ago 8
opened the pool, planted the veggies and flowers, packed and loaded the school room, and ready to help neice put her computer desk together.
shellyhill says
15 years ago 6
headed out to yard work and opening a pool on a beautifully, sunny Sunday... B-)
shellyhill says
15 years ago 16
just met a police officer...I was sitting outside of school (in the dark in my car). Had to admit to plurk addiction (bet he's never had
shellyhill says
15 years ago 10
good night! (:
shellyhill says
15 years ago 14
I just received a beautiful ring from a student and her family...(not even from the bubble gum machine!) I was speechless...
shellyhill says
15 years ago 9
have some open time this afternoon on our last day with kids. Going to let each child choose their favorite activity from this year for us
shellyhill says
15 years ago 8
met next year's class at my new school today. 25 minutes with them gave me lots of info on prep work I'll do this summer to get ready for
shellyhill says
15 years ago 4
field day 'feeled' great! :-D
shellyhill says
15 years ago 7
man the stations! Don the sunscreen, visors and's FIELD DAY!!!
shellyhill asks
15 years ago 8
what constitutes a 'plurk jerk'??? B-)