12Friends 31Fans
female Chicopee, MA, United States
shellebelle says
14 years ago 5
Headin' to the drive-in soon. Liam's first time at a drive-in! I hope he likes it!
shellebelle shares
14 years ago 2
2010 Kia Soul Hamster Commercial | Black Sheep Kia Hamsters Video dayum...these hamsters got the LIFE!
shellebelle shares
14 years ago 11
Awesome site again. But this is not why I'm fat. :-)
shellebelle says
14 years ago 7
went to see "Despicable Me". that was awesome and fun. :-) I love Steve anything but "The Office". Which is fun but annoying.
shellebelle says
14 years ago 2
I want to get singing again. I sing in church choir, but that is not enough (nowhere near!) how to do it...that is the question... Hmmm.
shellebelle says
14 years ago 2
it was...not burny hot today! It was hot, just not...burny! And I am le tired.
shellebelle says
14 years ago 4
waitin' for my man to come home, expecting guests for is gooood. ;-)
shellebelle says
14 years ago 10
Wow. I got down to ZERO karma. I feel utterly accomplished. Well, not really but you know.
shellebelle says
14 years ago 5
Yes. I know I fail. Please forgive me. My brain = FAIL.