286Friends 37Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
I'm a knitter and sell my own hand dyed yarn
Sheep Dreamery Videocast #35
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 4
Packing for MDSW, wondering how cold my mom is going to have the thermostat set.
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago
Show's up, buttercups!
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 1
I'm videocasting today, after the sun comes out and the fog clears. TONS of show notes this time. May possibly go over an hour babbling. If you like that kind of thing.
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 19
Happy RAPT Day! Will record later once the sun is up. :-D
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 3
Now that #Stringtopia is over, it's a forward march to Maryland Sheep and Wool! Ready for a wild and wooly week!
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 4
Completed every assignment for Nerd Wars T7, and while it was fun, I will probably not ever do another one. Too stressful.
sheepdreamery shares
11 years ago 5
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 1
Was going to try to fall back asleep for a bit but the landscaper is here mowing and trimming and wreaking havoc on my allergies.
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 1
Stringtopia today! Can't wait to see old friends and make new ones.
sheepdreamery says
11 years ago 3
Fellow designers, beware of this potential scammer: Knot Another Tangled WebKnot Another Tangled Web