37Friends 9Fans
female Ueno, Japan
Come to ME all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Ask and it will be given to you.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and it will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
Sheila says
10 years ago 2
Semalam I call you, you tak answer. You kata you keluar pergi dinner. You kata you dengan kawan you. But....., it wasn't true. :|
Sheila says
10 years ago 3
I might be anyone. A lone fool out in the sun. Your heartbeat of solid gold. I love you, you'll never know.
Sheila says
10 years ago 4
Tanggal 28 udah Ujian itu .... H-8 bro ㅠ.ㅠ
Sheila says
10 years ago 1
Farewell (wave) I begin...with all of these.
Sheila says
10 years ago 1
yuhuu akhirnya dirimu masuk sekolah :-))
Sheila says
10 years ago 27
ketika sedang asyik²nya belajar kemudian dikagetkan oleh kedatangan ular di kamar sendiri itu .... :-&
Sheila wants
10 years ago 13
renang yuk renang :'-( :'-(
Sheila says
10 years ago 20
S to the U to the S to the A to the H
B to the E to the R to the N to the A to the F to the A to the S to be susah bernafas
Sheila feels
10 years ago 22
bosan jom?blo lho mbloo
Sheila says
10 years ago 37