2Friends 13Fans
female Bangkalan, Indonesia

C= cerdas
T=tidak mudah goyah
shatila-san feels
15 years ago
it's too warm to leave when I saw the stars in the night sky and you was holding my hands.. (cozy)
shatila-san will
15 years ago
vacum slama seminGguuu!!!!^^
shatila-san will
15 years ago
nyetrika beberapa menit lagi... sambil dengerind music dunk!!!! (music)
shatila-san says
15 years ago
baru nemuind cowok cakebb and kerend. Tapi, aku masii saiiang ma Zu-kun... (blush)
shatila-san feels
15 years ago
no need to kiss your lips or hold your hands, to know that you can feel me. I know that you can't feel me! (unsure)
shatila-san feels
15 years ago
so now you're gone. And I was wrong. I'll never knew what it was like to be alone without your starlight... (tears)
shatila-san wishes
15 years ago 2
you open your heart then give me a light of million stars in the sky, and hold my hands . . . :-))
shatila-san feels
15 years ago
miss you so when you brought me lights from million stars at Saturday night...
shatila-san wants
15 years ago 1
to hug you in chill of night under the stars at the night sky...
shatila-san feels
15 years ago
hari Sabtu iiang ceria!!! Gara-gara anag x2, aku jd bisa melupakand diia... thanks kauaand DJ yang lagi demamb keonk. wkwkwkkkkk (LOL)