11Friends 16Fans
female Doha, Qatar
Fun and loving person
and a blogger at
shanti says
16 years ago 6
latifah likes the "buryam" so much..
shanti says
16 years ago 2
I'm fasting today.. I miss Ramadhan..
shanti says
16 years ago 4
kapan nih berhentinya periodku
shanti hates
16 years ago 2
it.. why during period I always had bad mood (s_tears)
shanti says
16 years ago 2
my cocomomo's bag has arrived.. at sahoor time:-)) (s_LOL)
shanti is
16 years ago
waiting for cocomomo's bag
shanti says
16 years ago 2
there will be Ramadan Bazaar at Malaysian Embassy, at 12 Sept 08. 2.30-4.30 pm. (s_hungry)
shanti is
16 years ago 1
looking for new car... just looking not intend to buy it, yet.. (s_mmm)
shanti feels
16 years ago 2
bad.. why all my day turns blue.. (s_tears)
16 years ago 3
cooks lodeh and fried some instant foods (s_hungry) (lumpia&chicken) for iftar..